The cooperation of the University of Pécs (PTE), MTA-SZTAKI and Zinemath Zrt. to develop medical software using artificial intelligence, augmented reality- based 3D visualization was introduced at the IV. International Interdisciplinary 3D Conference and Exhibition.
The PTE Medical School provided the input data necessary for development, and data was processed and visualized in 3D by algorithms developed by SZTAKI. The PTE Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and PTE Faculty of Music and Visual Arts also take part in the project, showing a wide cooperation to ensure success.
Zinemath Zrt. will develop the zEditor software based on this; the software will allow post-processing and visualization options for processed CT, MR (and other) scans. The method uses cutting edge technologies, like artificial intelligence, augmented reality and 3d imaging decides also used in self-driving cars.
“Once it’s finished, the software could shorten surgery time due to new surgery planning options and the augmented reality projections. The system will follow the post-operation rehabilitation as well, since the movement-tracking devices can keep track of status changes in patients with inherent or residual mobility issues,” said Dr. István Háber, one of the leaders of the project.
The quality of the development is shown by its ability to have every part presented at a scientific conference with results that brought attention to the project even on an international level. The development is funded by an EU source, the GINOP-2.2.1-15-2017-00083 tender project „Development of an augmented reality-based innovative healthcare device (zMed), combining the visualization of 3D medical images and reality for supporting the doctor-patient connection and education”.