- Lower and upper extremity movement analysis in cooperation with the PTE Department of Neurosurgery,
- Medical AR-VR software development,
- Studies about eyesight,
- Categorisation of EMG signals with AI
In accordance with the founding document of the Thematic Excellence Programme, the research groups have achievements in the following:
- Publications: three Q2 articles,
- R&D company cooperation with bigger companies around Pécs in order to attract them into the Biomedical Engineering research/development direction, handing in market-oriented tenders with them
- Development of prototypes and services (e.g. upper extremity prostheses) as a result of interdisciplinary research
TDK (2019 Autumn Undergraduate Research Conference): multiple students had presentations about biomedical engineering. Multiple students represented the university in this field at the 2019 OTDK, we have also won the 2nd place.
MIK Partner’s Day (October 24, 2019) will be the Partner’s Day at the Faculty for Engineering and Information Technology, where multiple presentations about Biomedical Engineering will take place in the applied information technology section.
Our research group works in close collaboration with Medical Material Technology and Neurorehabilitation, movement analysis workgroups. We have very good connections with the Medical Robotics and biocybernetics, and Simulation Education, Surgery Planning and Operational Medicine research groups.
Moreover, we are the gestation institution of the Biomedical Engineering MSc course, currently being designed in cooperation with the Medical School and Faculty of Health Sciences.